Starting skills, traits, and more

Publish date: 2024-04-04

If you enjoy playing stealthily, the Cyber Runner build in Starfield might be a great choice for your character. As a space ninja, you'll love the excitement of sneaking into enemy territory and taking out enemies without them ever knowing you were there. While combat isn't your main focus, it's easy to become the richest character in the entire game with this background.

This build offers a unique and engaging way to play, where you focus on being clever, agile, and sneaky. By getting really good at undercover operations and becoming a stealth master, you'll be well-prepared to explore all the secrets and opportunities in the vast universe of Starfield.

If you prefer this kind of playstyle, here's a guide on making a great Cyber Runner build.

Note: Parts of this article are subjective and reflect the opinions of the writer

Starfield Cyber Runner class starting skills

These starting skills allow you to execute sneaky maneuvers in Starfield (Image via Bethesda)

Here are the starting skills for the Cyber Runner class in Starfield:

In this Cyber Runner build, you aim to become the ultimate Thief character, mastering stealth and secret operations. Your deep knowledge of security systems and a keen understanding of how things work from the inside grant you easy access to restricted areas and valuable items.

This set of skills allows you to pull off daring heists, sneak into heavily guarded places, and gather wealth in sneaky ways.

Best traits for Cyber Runner class in Starfield

The Wanted Trait allows you to deal more damage during tough encounters (Image via Bethesda)

Picking a trait is an optional feature during character creation, but we highly recommend players utilize this. These traits give huge skill advantages, although they come with some cons as well.

For this build, we recommend the traits below.





Increase damage output when having low health

Magnet to more enemies such as mercenaries and bounty hunters


Use less oxygen when adventuring alone

Need more alone time, cannot mix with Extrovert trait

With the Wanted trait, you will get increased damage the lower your health is. This allows you to pull through crucial combats and dire situations. The Neon Street Rat trait grants you access to some amazing rewards on missions in Neon, a trait perfect for your stealth skills.

Best skills to unlock first for Cyber Runner class in Starfield

Stealth is one of Cyber Runner's essential skills (Image via Besthesda)

Skills to focus on:

While you start with some essential skills, there's always room for improvement in the Starfield. Improving your Ballistics skill can really increase the damage you do when using weapons, making you a stronger fighter. Also, getting really good at negotiating with the Bargain skill is important for saving your hard-earned money. Why pay full price when you can talk your way into a better deal?

Persuasion is another skill to consider picking. It lets you talk your way out of tough situations and handle social stuff smoothly. For sneaking around and staying hidden, both Stealth and Concealment skills are super useful. They help you move quietly and stay out of sight, whether you're in a fight or doing secret missions.

Lastly, working on your Weightlifting skill is important, especially if you plan on collecting a lot of stuff. With better carrying capacity, you can easily carry your valuable loot and make more money.

That's all for our Cyber Runner build guide. Discover more about all Starfield Traits and find the best Starfield Traits to suit your gameplay.

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