When did Justin Bieber break-up with Selena Gomez?

Publish date: 2024-04-10

Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber’s sensational relationship may not have ended happily, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t benefit in some way from the split.

The 30-year-old pop artist discussed how, although being traumatic, her public breakup with the “Baby” singer ended up being the best thing that could have occurred on her path to independence, confidence, and self-love in her new documentary My Mind & Me.

When did Justin Bieber break-up with Selena Gomez?

The couple seems to have reunited several times after several break-ups.

Beginning in 2011 and ending permanently in 2018, Gomez dated Bieber intermittently over the majority of the 2010s.

A few months after their last breakup, Justin Bieber proposed to model Hailey Bieber, with whom he is now married.

In November 2012, Justin and Selena experienced their first breakup. At the time, a source told People, “She broke up with him about a week ago. “With them being so far away, things became tough. She struggled with trust. Although it’s difficult, the relationship has to end. Days later, a pair was seen out to dinner, but nothing came of it.

Before their first breakup, the two appeared to be reluctant to talk about their relationship in public, but as they started engaging in couple activities together, they began to embrace it. Even Staples was leased by Justin
