Florence Pugh addresses Will Poulter dating rumours after those beach photos

Publish date: 2024-03-28

A few weeks ago, Harry Styles' (who is now a major part of our bedtime routine thanks to his CBeebies night time story debut) co-star, Florence Pugh was spotted relaxing on a beach in Ibiza with Will Poulter.

The two actors were pictured enjoying a day out together, as well as having a laugh in the water, as they made the most of their time off. Unsurprisingly, the photos - taken earlier this week - were soon shared online, and caused many social media detectives to speculate the pair could be secretly “dating”.

In fact, even notorious gossip king Perez Hilton waded in, sharing the photos on Twitter and asking followers: “Did #FlorencePugh and #ZachBraff break up? Or are fans speculating incorrectly based on just these photos?”

However, this time, the social sensors seem to not have been working properly, as Florence - who has been dating Scrubs actor Zach Braff since they met on a film set back in 2019 - has now dismissed these claims in a series of posts on her Instagram story. Referencing the photos of her with her 2019 horror film Midsommar co-star, she wrote: “This is getting a little silly now. No, Will Poulter and I are not dating. We went to the beach with our friends, who are always about half a metre from us in every picture, but have been cleverly cut out/framed out so that it looks otherwise."

She added: “You can LITERALLY see my best friend in the corner of so many shots and Archie’s arms at the sides.”

The Oscar nominee and star of Olivia Wilde's upcoming '50s film Don't Worry Darling, continued: “I understand that the nature of this job is that you sometimes get your privacy completely bulldozed by paparazzi, but to fabricate this stuff actually does more damage than good.

“Thanks for saying we look sexy. Doesn’t mean we’re doing the sexy.”

Finally, she added: “On another note, a very important note. There’s no need to drag people through this.

“Regardless of your opinion on who I should or shouldn’t be with, at the end of the day, if you’re complimenting someone by trolling another person… you’re just bullying. There’s literally no need to be horrible online – no need.

“Think about what you write. Think about who it affects.

“Anyhoo… onto more wonderful pictures of lovely people being gorgeous and tanned and fabulous!”

Eugh, Florence Pugh, we couldn't love you any more than we do. 

As for Will Poulter, the Detroit star tends to keep his love life out of the spotlight. Since his rise to fame, Will has only been in one public relationship, dating actress Yasmeen Scott in 2019. The pair were spotted at a number of events together, including Wimbledon, the premiere of The Little Stranger and Milan Fashion Week. That said, things between Will and Yasmeen have seemingly fizzled out since as the couple haven't been pictured together for over a year. 

In the meantime, we think Florence's words are an important reminder to all of us - who all have access to the public domain via social media - that our words hold weight and power, and we can use this to speak up on the side of good (we can think of a few causes that deserve our attention at the moment) or to wade into the gossip mill and, quite possibly, negatively impact those involved. 

And listen, we love a potential new celeb romance as much as the next person, but we know which side of the fence we'd rather fall on. Preach speech over. 
