How old are Dave and Jenny Marrs? Home Town Takeover hosts are popular HGTV personalities

Publish date: 2024-03-28

Dave and Jenny Marrs are back on HGTV. This time, it is to help renovate an entire town. The husband-wife duo, known for their series Fixer to Fabulous, will be a part of the Home Town Takeover season season cast. They will do 18 major renovations in Fort Morgan, Colorado with the help of Ben and Erin Napier to transform the small town.

Dave Marrs is 43 while Jenny is 44, and have been married for 18 years. The couple, who live on a farm in Bentonville, Arkansas, have 5 kids and many farm animals. Dave and Jenny are known for their hit HGTV show Fixer to Fabulous and have appeared on many other shows.

Fixer to Fabulous has been running for 4 seasons and features Dave and Jenny renovating some of the classic homes around Bentonville, Arkansas.

Meet Dave and Jenny Marrs

Dave Marrs

Dave Marrs was raised in Kiowa, Colorado, and helped his father build houses in his hometown. He is a contractor, builder, craftsman, and handyman. Marrs loves to restore old homes and bring out their charm. He competed in Rock The Block season 3 with his wife but failed to win the show.

Dave attended Colorado State University from 1997 until 2001. He also owns the Fayetteville Marrs Construction with Jenny. He even runs a blueberry farm in Northwest Arkansas, which gives “orphaned and at-risk teenage boys” a chance to educate themselves.

Jenny Marrs

Jenny Marrs is a designer and home renovator who works with Dave on Fixer to Fabulous. She runs a company called Marrs Developing, where she renovates some of the historic homes in Arkansas. Jenny specializes in designing spaces and making creative decisions in renovations.

She has no degree in the same but has studied marketing and public relations in college. Marrs also runs a blueberry farm with her husband.

Jenny Marrs claimed to have been Dave's "sugar mama" for 6 years

The couple moved to Arkansas in 2004 after quitting their corporate jobs in Chicago and Nashville, respectively. They lived in a rental apartment and shared a car. Soon Jenny started another job and supported Dave for six years. She once claimed that being his "sugar mama" and supporting him felt like it went on for six years.

She said that she kept a "real job" so that the couple had insurance and someone who could sign loans for the houses while Dave continued building. Dave admitted that while they were broke at the time, they had “the most fun” together.

HGTV approached them with the idea of the show Fixer to Fabulous in 2016 but they were busy raising their kids at the time. After refusing to shoot for the show, another producer reached out to them and convinced them to join the series.

About Home Town Takeover season 2

Home Town Takeover will feature Ben and Erin Napier, along with Dave and Jenny Marrs renovating 18 different locations in Fort Morgan, Colorado. The series will have 6 episodes in total, and the cast will take the help of 10 all-star HGTV and Food Network talent to accomplish their goal.

Ben and Erin will help local artists paint two larger murals on the main street, representing the town’s past and future.

HGTV's description of the series reads:

"Ben and Erin Napier lead a team of renovation professionals as they take over and make over an entire small town."

Home Town Takeover will air on HGTV every Sunday at 8 pm ET and fans can also stream the show on Discovery+.

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