D&D 5E - Map of the Great Wheel Cosmology

Publish date: 2024-03-27
Glad you guys enjoyed it! If you have ideas about how to improve it (there are some typos that I just noticed that will require fixing anyway), please share them!

Any plans to put directional notations on the Phlogiston connections?

I had an earlier version that included the direction of the flow, but I ended up removing it because I couldn't find enough reliable information about all of them (Nerik's Map of the Flow has directions, types, and speeds for all of them, but a lot is speculative); save for a few cases like the Radiant and the Arcane Inner, most of the canonical flows don't have a specified direction. I might have missed part of the data, though (maybe I forgot to check some of the Dragon articles regarding Spelljammer), so if you know of canonical information regarding the topic, I'd be more than happy to include it!

But you seem to be missing Abeir, Toril's sister planet. Though I am not sure how you would list it, as it is supposed to be in it's own material plane.

As Sword of the Spirit noted, even though Abeir was already showing up in the name in 2e, I think it wasn't until 4e that it became an actual world (previously it was just a suffix). My rule for this map was to keep everything locked up to the end of AD&D, since I believe that's the more consistent and expansive version of the Great Wheel we have (3e never covered it in much detail and when it did it was a bit ambiguous, 4e scrapped it, and for 5e it's still too early to judge). So I'm afraid that means Abeir had to be left out (though as you mention, I wonder how it would have to be represented. I'm not very well versed on 4e cosmology, but was it ever specified where exactly Abeir was? Was it just another planet in Realmspace or somewhere else in the Prime, or was it literally in another multiverse altogether?).
