Vegan Food Star Tabitha Brown Shares Beauty Products She Loves Right Now

Publish date: 2024-03-31

Tabitha Brown's sunny disposition, lovable demeanor, and Southern charm have made her a social media sensation with nearly 5 million TikTok followers. The North Carolina–born actor had played a number of bit parts in Hollywood but ultimately found fame after she posted a video in 2017 in which she praised the merits of a vegan "TTLA" sandwich (tempeh bacon, tomato, lettuce, and avocado) while stationed in her car in a Whole Foods parking lot.

The attention has taken Brown's career to healthy new heights, including two plant-based restaurants, Kale My Name, in Los Angeles and Chicago; her best-selling book, Feeding the Soul (Because It's My Business): Finding Our Way to Joy, Love, and Freedom; and her first cookbook, the newly released Cooking from the Spirit.

Since the start of her plant-based lifestyle five years ago, she's also reaped the beauty benefits of a meatless existence. "After getting sick [from autoimmune disorders] I started watching what I was putting into my body," she says. "I thought to myself, 'Oh, Jesus, skin is my biggest organ, and these products can go into my bloodstream.' So I started reading all of the labels." A month after she changed her diet, the No. 1 compliment she received was about her skin. "I was glowing!" she exclaims. "My hair got thicker, fuller, and even more healthy." Who better than Brown to test-drive the latest vegan and cruelty-free products?

Courtesy Tabitha Brown

I set intentions every day to do well, be well, feel well, and accept all good things.

Ami Colé Lash-Amplifying Mascara

Courtesy Tabitha Brown

"I like a good mascara and a little foundation, blush, and lip gloss, then I go about my business," says Brown. "This mascara washes off easily, there's no clumping, and it doesn't give me black fallout on my undereyes." After a full schedule, Brown admits, "Girl, I was cute all day!"

Brown Girl Jane Aromatic Body Oil

Courtesy Brown Girl Jane

This sensorial body oil made with organic hemp extract makes Brown instantly relax. "After I take my shower at night, I put this on and just love how it feels," she says. "I'm addicted and will be using it every day."

Tarte Shape Tape Cloud Coverage

Courtesy Tarte

Brown is a minimal makeup wearer, and the Body Shop's Fresh Nude Foundation has been her go-to for years. Trying this Tarte product was a rare switch-up for her. "It's so lightweight," she says of the texture. Brown also was amazed by the added SPF and full coverage. "I've had a scar on my face since I was 9 years old and, honey, this foundation covered it right up. Usually that's something only my makeup artists can do!"

The Nue Co. Mind Energy

Courtesy The Nue Co.

Brown had never thought about using an energy spray before, but now it's become part of her self-care practice to start the morning. "I set intentions every day to do well, be well, feel well, and accept all good things," Brown says. "Then I use this spray, which not only gives me a calming moment, but also a boost of energy to go on and get my day together."

Dieux Forever Eye Mask

Courtesy Dieux Skin

"I'm excited to travel with these and reuse them," Brown says, citing the de-puffing benefits. "I put them on, then went to work on my computer and forgot that they were there for a little bit, which was great."

Donna's Recipe Strength Hair Oil

Courtesy Donna’s Recipe

Brown has her very own hair-care company inspired by her gorgeous Afro, which she affectionately calls Donna. The formula is packed with 18 all-natural oils and powders that prevent breakage, maintain moisture, and stimulate the hair-growth cycle. "This oil has changed many lives, which I'm grateful for," Brown says. "Reading the testimonials, especially from my alopecia customers, makes my heart full."

Lord Jones CBD Gel Capsules

Courtesy Lord Jones

Wondering if CBD gummies are effective? Brown says these are the perfect recipe for R&R and describes them as "strong." Would she use them in the middle of her busy schedule? Nope. On vacation or when she can sleep in? Absolutely.

For more stories like this, pick up the February issue of InStyle, available on newsstands, on Amazon, and for digital download Jan. 14th.
