The Untold Truth Of Maury Povich

Publish date: 2024-04-05

Maury tends to pride itself on the fact that guests don't get physically violent with each other. If they do, the fights are broken up pretty quickly. However, the stories on Maury are real, albeit they are embellished, and this can lead to some serious problems before and after the show.

For example, let's say a man, a woman, and a child are going to tape an episode of Maury. They have to fly from wherever they live to Stamford, and traveling on a plane with a child is stressful for most people. They get to the hotel and it's exciting, but they know that in the morning they are going to have to go on the show. The show may involve some life-changing news, like a man finding out the kid that they are raising isn't his, or a woman finding out that her husband has slept with all her sisters. Other people know that they are going on to be exposed as a cheater and their relationship will come to an end. All of this is bound to make someone an anxious ball of energy leading up to the show

Then the guests go to the show, where they are cheered and/or booed by a roaring crowd. They hear the results of the tests and then they have to deal with the fallout. Yes, there is a counselor at the show, but there is no option for long-term counseling. Essentially, guests' lives are blown up on the show, and then they are flown back home and have to pick up the pieces.

Obviously, that type of situation has resulted in problems outside of the show. There have been several incidents of police arresting Maury guests at hotels in Stamford for domestic fights. This includes couples like John Coley and Shantae McGhee-Brown of Chicago, who didn't even make it on the show. In April 2014, they flew to Stamford and were staying in a hotel. They got into a physical fight because McGhee-Brown found out Coley was sleeping with her mother. They were arrested and spent the night in jail instead of the hotel. Or there is Daryl Edwards from Detroit; who was arrested for beating and strangling his wife the night before he was to hear the results of a paternity test. Again, these are only a few of the stories which were bad enough to make the news.

However, violence is not just limited to the time before the show. Another couple, David Palermo and Andrea Guerrero of Brooklyn, got into a fist fight while watching their pre-recorded episode. On the show, Palermo was confirmed as the father, but the baby had a different last name. While watching the show, they argued about the baby's last name and Guerrero attacked Palermo. She was arrested for misdemeanor assault.
